I know I bullshit a lot. Or I should say I talked about a lotta stuff but they are just thoughts. Or I am just easily distracted by chores in life and parties. I am determined to set up mini-goals every month which have to be accomplished within the 30 day time frame. They have to be feasible, specific and on the path toward my 6 month goal. Long term 5 year goal is bullshit. The variables change too much and in-the-future distance becomes an execuse for postponing actions.
The monthly mini goals should cover the following 4 categories:
1. Career Development
[Current Job] Talk to the key people, gain exposures and get to where I want to be.
[Business] Read books, talk to entrepreneurs, research on startup companies and the tools.
[Skill set]Develop strong skill set
2. Physical Health & Fitness
[Sports] Explore and try various sports or outdoor activities, and identify the potenial life-long hobbies.
[Diet] Eat healthy
3. Spiritual Satisfaction
[Travel] Where I want to go, where did I go, what to do, and what inspires me.
[Life philosophy] Continuous search for happiness, develop values, believes and perspectives on life
[Creation] Create art work, write, or contribute something back to society
4. Intellectual Growth
[Tech] Identify 1 fascinating technology, tool or website per month
[Industry] Study 1 industry per month
[People] Research 1 famous person per month
These are just guidelines, and will be tailored along the way. Hopefully I will finally pick up my slack and actually achieve something and get to where I want to be.